Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Japan - Use of lithium-ion capacitors extends compensation time

Development of Lithium -ion Capacitor-based System for Compensation of Short-term Power Disruptions — Use of lithium-ion capacitors extends compensation time —

January 19, 2012
Source: Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.

Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. (President and Director: Akihisa Mizuno; Headquarters: 1, Higashi-shincho, Higashi-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture), in collaboration with Meidensha Corporation (President: Junzo Inamura; Headquarters: ThinkPark Tower, 2-1-1 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo), has developed a lithium-ion capacitor-based system for compensation of short-term power disruptions. The new system provides comprehensive protection for production facilities in the event of power disruptions due to lightning strikes, etc. Field trials of the system commenced at JSR Corporation’s*1 Yokkaichi Plant from December 2011.
The disruption of power due to lightning strikes or other unexpected events can cause manufacturing equipment to malfunction or stop operating, resulting in major losses. Chubu Electric Power has already developed an electrical double-layer capacitor-based system for compensation of instantaneous voltage drop for this reason. However, our customers have indicated their need for a longer period of compensation for power disruptions.

The newly developed system announced here employs high-energy-density lithium-ion capacitors in its energy storage section, enabling it to respond to power disruptions of up to 20 seconds. Improvement of the capacitor charge control method has resulted in a further increase in the efficiency of the system in constant operation. Using no lead or other heavy metals, the environmental burden represented by the system is low, and it offers identical levels of reliability to conventional electrical double-layer capacitors.
The developed system will be subjected to field trials over a two-year period in order to verify its compensation performance in actual operation and its long-term reliability in continuous operation. If the system is shown to be reliable, it will go on the market from 2014.

Main features of lithium-ion capacitor-based system for compensation of short-term power disruptions

○High-voltage, high-capacity compensation for a longer period

Using lithium-ion capacitors manufactured by JM Energy Corporation*2 able to store approximately three times as much energy as conventional electrical double-layer capacitors, the system offers high-voltage, high-capacity compensation for a longer period, and is able to respond to short-term power disruptions of up to 20 seconds in duration.

○Increased efficiency in constant operation

Improved capacitor charge control increases efficiency in constant operation to 99%.

○Identical reliability and ease of operation to existing electrical double-layer capacitor-based system for compensation of instantaneous voltage drop

The system employs high-speed, high-capacity solid-state transfer switches offering high reliability and ultra-high-speed switching.
The use of long-life lithium-ion capacitors makes replacement of the energy storage section unnecessary for 15 years. In addition, because no lead or other heavy metals are used, the burden on the environment is low, and there is no need to recover materials when the system is scrapped.

*1 JSR Corporation (Representative Director and President: Mitsunobu Koshiba; Headquarters: Shiodome Sumitomo Bldg., 1-9-2, Higashi-Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
*2 JM Energy Corporation (Representative: Goro Miyabe; Headquarters: 8565 Nishi-ide, Ooizumi-cho, Hokuto City, Yamanashi Prefecture)


NEDO and IRENA sign Cooperation Agreement

January 18, 2012
The New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) of Japan and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to pursue common objectives in the field of renewable energy. NEDO Chairman Kazuo Furukawa and Mr. Adnan Amin, Director-General of IRENA, signed the MOU in the presence of Mr. Mitsuyoshi Yanagisawa, Vice Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Mr. Tatsuo Watanabe, Ambassador of Japan to UAE, on January 16, 2012 at the site of the World Future Energy Summit 2012 (WFES2012) held in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates.
The agreement allows both parties to collaborate in a broad range of renewable energy technology fields such as human resource development and information sharing.
NEDO Profile


Incorporated Administrative Agency New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization
Business name: New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)


 Originally established as a semi-governmental organization on October 1, 1980; reorganized as an Incorporated Administrative Agency on October 1, 2003


  • October 1980: New Energy Development Organization established under the Law Concerning the Promotion of the Development and Introduction of Alternative Energy
  • October 1988: Reorganized and industrial technology R&D added; name changed to New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization
  • December 2002: Incorporated Administrative Agency New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization law enacted and promulgated
  • October 2003: Incorporated Administrative Agency New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization established


 NEDO conducts various activities focusing on research and development related to oil-alternative energy technology, technology for the efficient use of energy, and industrial technology. Its programs and projects include promotion of private sector participation in national technology development projects, support for the private sector to pursue its own research and development efforts and dissemination of newly developed technology. All of these activities are carried out in a concerted and internationally coordinated manner. By facilitating the practical application and commercialization of advanced new technology, NEDO endeavors to ensure a stable and efficient supply of energy under fluctuating domestic and international socio-economic conditions and to assist in the development of Japan's economy and industry. At the same time, NEDO strives to contribute to the fulfillment of Japan's Kyoto Protocol commitment without overly restricting energy use and industrial activities in Japan through, for example, obtaining emission credits via the Kyoto Mechanisms.

Primary Activities

  1. Development and promotion of new energy and energy conservation technologies
  2. Development of industrial technology
  3. Acquisition of emission reduction credits through the Kyoto Mechanisms

Minister in Charge

 The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry (The Minister of Environment co-administers the Kyoto Mechanisms Credit Acquisition Program)

Governing Laws

General Rules for Incorporated Administrative Agencies
Incorporated Administrative Agency New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization Law


About 1,000


Approximately 149.4 billion yen (FY2011)

Vision and Mission

The world’s vast renewable energy resources remain largely untapped. With the global population projected to reach 10 billion in 2050, abundant renewable energy sources worldwide can make a significant contribution to the world’s growing demand for energy. Recognising the huge potential of renewable energy, IRENA’s Member States have joined together to establish an international organisation dedicated to facilitating the rapid development and deployment of renewable energy worldwide.

IRENA believes that renewable energy use must, and will increase dramatically in the coming years, because of its key role in

  • enhancing energy security
  • reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change
  • alleviating energy poverty
  • supporting sustainable development, and
  • boosting economic growth.

IRENA’s vision is for a world where modern and effective renewable energy is accessible in all countries and becomes one of the major energy sources.

For a world, where renewable energy technologies are widely deployed and are seen as one of the key energy solutions of the future by all countries.

A world, where the communities currently without reliable energy supply can rely on renewable energy as the base for their economic and social development.


Mandated by governments worldwide, IRENA’s mission is to promote the widespread and increased adoption and sustainable use of all forms of renewable energy. IRENA’s Member States pledge to advance renewables in their own national policies and programs, and to promote, both domestically and through international cooperation, the transition to a sustainable and secure energy supply.

IRENA’s work is guided by the principles of

  • international cooperation between Member States and related stakeholders
  • dedication to assisting its Members to harness their renewable energy potential
  • accessibility of all the Agency’s services, bearing in mind the special needs of developing countries
  • active participation of all its Members in IRENA’s decision making processes
  • striving for excellence in all the services produced by the organization
  • efficiency and transparency in delivering the organisation’s services, and
  • adding value to what is already being done by existing organisations in the field of renewable energy.

IRENA aims to become the leading international centre of excellence for renewable energy and a platform for exchange and development of renewable energy knowledge. Once achieved, IRENA will become the global voice for renewable energy. IRENA will facilitate access to all relevant renewable energy information, including technical data, economic data and renewable resource potential data. IRENA will share experiences on best practices and lessons learned regarding policy frameworks, capacity-building projects, available finance mechanisms and renewable energy related energy efficiency measures.


According to its Statute, IRENA will

  • Collect renewable energy related information and knowledge, and analyse and disseminate current renewable energy practices, including policies and incentives, available technologies, and examples of best operational practice.
  • Foster international exchanges about renewable energy policy and its framework conditions.
  • Provide relevant policy advice and assistance.
  • Improve renewable energy knowledge that facilitates technology transfer and promotes the development of local capacity and competence.
  • Promote capacity building services such as training and education.
  • Provide information and advice on the financing mechanisms available for renewable energy projects.
  • Stimulate and encourage research (including on socio-economic issues), by fostering research networks to undertake joint research, development and deployment of technologies.
  • Provide information about the development and deployment of national and international technical standards in relation to renewable energy, based on a sound understanding through an active presence in the relevant fora, and
  • Disseminate knowledge and information and increase public awareness on the benefits and potential offered by renewable energy.

Friday, January 27, 2012

ElectroniCast Market Research Report: Lithium-Ion Capacitors

Lithium-Ion Capacitors in

Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation

Global Market Forecast & Analysis (2011-2021)

Publish Date:              December 13, 2011
Text Pages:                226
Also Included:            Excel worksheets and PowerPoint Slides
Fee:                            US$2,800
Contact:                      stephen_montgomery@electronicastconsultants.com
Web:                          www.electronicast.com

This ElectroniCast report provides a 2011-2021 market forecast and analysis of the worldwide consumption of lithium-ion capacitors (LICs) used in solar photovoltaic (PV) power generation applications.

A capacitor is an electrical device that stores or releases electricity through rapid electrostatic reactions. Compared with a battery that stores electricity through slow chemical reactions, a capacitor makes it possible to charge and discharge electricity almost instantaneously with a long cycle life. 

Lithium-Ion Capacitors (LICs) have a higher power density as compared to batteries and LIC’s are safer in use than Lithium-Ion Batteries (LIBs), since thermal runaway reactions may occur with the LIBs. Compared to an Electric Double-Layer Capacitor (EDLC), the lithium-ion capacitor has a higher output voltage. They both have similar power densities, but energy density of a lithium-ion capacitor is higher.

Lithium-ion capacitors contain no hazardous substances, such as heavy metals (Cadmium, Mercury or Lead) making them environmentally friendly electrical storage devices.  They are also characterized by an ability to charge with even weak current, and as a result, demand is expected to increase substantially in environmentally friendly fields such as solar power generation. The use of lithium-ion capacitors as independent power supplies in combination with photovoltaic panels is considered for a wide range of devices such as streetlights, surveillance cameras, and security sensors.

Photovoltaics (PV) is a method of generating electrical power by converting solar radiation into direct current electricity using semiconductors that exhibit the photovoltaic effect. Photovoltaic power generation employs solar panels composed of a number of solar cells containing a photovoltaic material.

ElectroniCast Consultants, per requests from clients are following-up on the exciting and innovation aspects of the lithium-ion capacitors, present this report specifically addressing the potential use of lithium-ion capacitors in photovoltaic (PV) power generation applications.

The conclusions of this report are based on background research plus application of quantitative data processing and correlation. ElectroniCast analysts performed interviews with authoritative and representative individuals concerned with the power storage industry sector, plus natural energy power generating technologies (wind, solar and other), energy-efficient lighting (LEDs), industrial logistical machinery/ Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) / industrial robot, electric vehicles, migration systems of voltage sags/swells, Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) devices, and many other concerns and related entities.

The future of the lithium-ion capacitor (LIC) market, despite exciting innovative devices driven by technological advances and ecological/energy-saving concerns, still face challenges in overcoming performance/price limitations and in attracting widespread consumption.  The use of LICs in solar photovoltaic power generation applications is increasing, initiating from government-based initiative – then to commercial/business – and eventually to the consumer-level.

On-going extensive customer demand-side and supplier-side information interviews, combined with ElectroniCast background of information and opinions in the energy efficiency solution field were the basis for estimating data to be inserted into the analysis/forecast data base spreadsheets.  Published information related to LIC and related component/applications and consumption, was reviewed, including:

  • Trade press
·        Press release information
  • Financial reports
  • Web site background information
  • Vendor production information
  • Other published information

The ElectroniCast market forecast (Excel spreadsheet) database structure used for this project is provided for insertion (and later manipulation) of quantities, prices (and thus value) for lithium-ion capacitors used in solar photovoltaic power generation applications for each year, in each end-user category subset of each geographical region.  This technique permits analysis for reasonableness check at all levels.  The final database/spreadsheet is the source for the various values incorporated in the tables and figures in this report and quoted in the (report) text.

Regional Market Segmentation          This report provides the market data by the following regional segments and sub-regions:

·        Global (Total)
o       America
§         United States and Canada
§         Latin America
o       EMEA
§         Northern Europe
§         Southern Europe
§         Western Europe
§         Eastern Europe
§         Middle East and Africa
o       APAC
§         People’s Republic of China (PRC)
§         Japan
§         Republic of Korea (ROK)
§         Rest of APAC

Consumption Value:  The consumption value of a Lithium-Ion capacitor (LIC) is determined by the final application (“end-use”) and ownership of that product. For example, a packaged LIC produced in Japan (APAC region) and then the LIC ends-up in a new car manufactured in Europe, and then the car is sold and consumed (consumption) in the USA, is shown in the ElectroniCast market forecast Excel database as a LIC consumed in America (not APAC and not Europe).

The estimate of 2011 plus the market forecast (2012-2021) is presented for Lithium-Ion capacitors for use with solar photovoltaic (PV) power generation.  The Lithium-Ion capacitor (LIC) market forecast data are segmented by the following functions:

·        Consumption Value (US$, million)
·        Quantity (number/Farad: Million)
·        Average Selling Prices (ASP $, each Farad)

Nominal Capacitance - Farad (F):             The farad (symbol: F) is the SI unit of capacitance (SI is the International System of Units).  Capacitance is the ability of a capacitor to store energy in an electric field. Capacitance is also a measure of the amount of electric potential energy stored (or separated) for a given electric potential. A common form of energy storage device is a parallel-plate capacitor.

Market Forecast Application Categories             The ElectroniCast market forecast of consumption is also presented for two major End-User categories:

·  Government/Commercial
·  Residential/Non-Specific